Workout complete! (and with my partner!)

I'm staying over at my boyfriend's at the moment and I've been trying to fit in my workouts while I'm here so I don't get off track.

Today I convinced him to join in with me :D

He kept saying throughout 'I can really feel that', 'I'm really sweaty' etc. To which my reply was always 'I know, isn't it great!?'

I think he still thinks I'm slightly crazy for enjoying working out but I'm slowly getting there with him. Afterwards he said 'actually, I feel really good now' and he now wants to make his own account and discover more workouts!

I just thought I'd share this because it just shows what even one workout can do.

All I need to do now is convince him to try the couple's yoga workout with me; however I think that might be a much bigger ask! ;)

I hope everybody else is well and is having a nice weekend! :)