Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

A return to the mat & ‘bells: 2-wk hiatus after FB Mass

Yesterday, I accepted the fact that hiatuses are part of my fitness journey. Usually, after 3-4 months or so of consistency, I fall into a blank stage. I then become stuck bc I feel condemned for missing days and so avoid the task that reminds me of my “failure” — historically, this has led to reinstatement of poor habits and essentially giving up. Which, usually leads to weight gain and starting over. HowEVER, this time I didn’t fully embrace my poor eating habits again, though I did dabble, and was mindful of other ways of activity (walking or taking stairs whenever possible; stretching). I was nervous to measure myself when starting up again this week, but there was no change! Much to my delight. I realized I had built up an expectation of severe consequences for my “transgression” — though I no longer view my hiatuses as transgressions. Accepting hiatus as part of my cycle also makes me less likely to avoid returning due to guilt.

I’ve also realized that independent workouts and programs best work for me in rotation. Meaning, after a structured program I neeeed a period of putting together my own workouts my own way (usually with FB videos, though I often change up the moves to suit my goals).

Just a few things I’m learning and exploring, currently, that I wanted to share 🙂