Do any of you have a significant other who cooks for an army even though your family is relatively small? My husband loves to cook large, and his pans reflect this! 🤣😂
We pretty much only cook with cast iron. He purchased this behemoth cast iron skillet recently - 15" (38 cm) across and weighing 13lbs (7kg).
When I was using it earlier today, I kind of chuckled because I was thinking how some people's fitness goals revolve around building a larger booty or getting a flatter stomach. Here, all I want to do is to be able to pick up this friggin pan!😂🤣 I even got a little flex going from lifting the darn thing!! It's only 13lbs, but the weight distribution makes it awkward to handle.
I now know if my PowerBlocks are ever out of commission, I have a backup. 🍳💪
Anyway, I thought it was kinda funny. Have a good night/day all!
Functional Fitness Fun At Home
Do any of you have a significant other who cooks for an army even though your family is relatively small? My husband loves to cook large, and his pans reflect this! 🤣😂
We pretty much only cook with cast iron. He purchased this behemoth cast iron skillet recently - 15" (38 cm) across and weighing 13lbs (7kg).
When I was using it earlier today, I kind of chuckled because I was thinking how some people's fitness goals revolve around building a larger booty or getting a flatter stomach. Here, all I want to do is to be able to pick up this friggin pan!😂🤣 I even got a little flex going from lifting the darn thing!! It's only 13lbs, but the weight distribution makes it awkward to handle.
I now know if my PowerBlocks are ever out of commission, I have a backup. 🍳💪
Anyway, I thought it was kinda funny. Have a good night/day all!