Hi everyone, had to take a break and sadly could not finish my workout programs because I moved and it took way way way more time and energy than I had anticipated, with unexpected repairs having to be taken care of. Moving is hard and stressful!! I'm thankful though because I know its all worth the hard work and energy. I have been squeezing in short mountain bike rides and quick FB workouts whenever I can. I just completed a 44 minute total body workout that is part of PB blend and whew!! I was toast halfway through! But I pushed through and made it and now feel accomplished as I stare at this puddle of sweat in front of me. :) Hoping to restart the programs once things settle down. Hope everyone is kicking butt out there!
Hi everyone, had to take a break and sadly could not finish my workout programs because I moved and it took way way way more time and energy than I had anticipated, with unexpected repairs having to be taken care of. Moving is hard and stressful!! I'm thankful though because I know its all worth the hard work and energy. I have been squeezing in short mountain bike rides and quick FB workouts whenever I can. I just completed a 44 minute total body workout that is part of PB blend and whew!! I was toast halfway through! But I pushed through and made it and now feel accomplished as I stare at this puddle of sweat in front of me. :) Hoping to restart the programs once things settle down. Hope everyone is kicking butt out there!