Endurance improvement from Fitness Blender workouts!

Back about six months ago, before I started fitnessblender workouts, I was completely out of shape and the fastest I could run a mile was in 11 minutes and 29 seconds (which included my hands grasping at the treadmill the whole time...oops!). Today, after almost half a year of consistent workouts, I managed to run one in 8 minutes and 41 seconds! That's almost 3 whole minutes knocked off, and although my time still might not be considered "good," I'm pretty freaking proud of myself! The endurance I have built since starting to consistently workout is (at least in my opinion) a true testament to fitnessblender and how effective these workouts really are. Just wanted to say a big thank you to Kelli, Daniel, Andrew, and everyone else on the FB team for creating such fun, innovative, and doable workouts for EVERYONE, and for encouraging a healthy picture of what being fit really means. And for those of you feeling like you aren't making any progress, I promise you you are, even if you can't see it! I'm so proud of you all for getting in your workout complete's today (even if it was a rest day--those are just as important!).

Hope you all had a great start to the week!