Hi everybody! I'd just like to come here and ask you all what types of post-workout snacks/meals you usually go to after you finish your workouts. Because I am vegan, I will usually go for a fruit like an apple or peach or a meal with a lot of carbohydrates like quinoa (or pasta,rice,etc.), vegetables and a vegan meat substitute. I'm kind of stuck within these options and i'm looking for new foods to try that have the right nutritional content that is appropriate for the body at a post workout state! :)
In need of vegan post workout meal/snack ideas!
Hi everybody! I'd just like to come here and ask you all what types of post-workout snacks/meals you usually go to after you finish your workouts. Because I am vegan, I will usually go for a fruit like an apple or peach or a meal with a lot of carbohydrates like quinoa (or pasta,rice,etc.), vegetables and a vegan meat substitute. I'm kind of stuck within these options and i'm looking for new foods to try that have the right nutritional content that is appropriate for the body at a post workout state! :)