In need of some positivety/ is FB Strong a good idea for me?

Hi all,

I’ve been working out with FB for a bit more than a year now. I started out while feeling very ill because of headaches from a viral meningitis. These aches went away after 7 months due to my doctor and FB (own schedule). I was getting better and better and finally (after nine years!) finishing of my master degree. This took so long because of a lot of different health issues. I have to hand in the final version of my last report next week. But again, my health came into play and all of a sudden I needed an emergency eye surgery last week.. (advice on how to handle a really sore throat is appreciated). It really gets my motivation down on everything right now.

For now I am not allowed to do any sports or heavy lifting. However, I hope to get back into fitness blender videos real soon. I had built my fitness level to the point I had fun (really!) with HIIT. I don’t think that would be a good starting point for right now. So the programs that I have are not a good fit (FB30 and FB Sweat). I really want a program because I don’t think I will manage to start it again on my own schedule. I’m thinking of FB Strong or FB low impact. My preference really goes to strong, since I love strength training and I have my awesome powerblocks. Maybe some of you have an advice on this. I think the program with the least “fast turning of the head” is best, so less burpee movements/downward dogs type of exercises. I don’t know if FB low impact does these, or if FB strong has much videos of cardio. Any advice is welcome! (Thanks already)