Abstaining from desserts, candy, pastries, and “dessert drinks” or sugary beverages like soda/lemonade/sweet tea/juice/lattes, etc. for 30 days.
My introductory post (link below) suggested writing down your own personal mission statement for this detox challenge, and keeping it on your phone (i.e. notes app) so that you can refer back to it for motivation.
Today I’d like those who have decided to take this challenge to post your mission statements. They need not be lengthy, but they should be well thought out and specific to yourself. Take a minute to really think/meditate on what you’re trying to accomplish. A few sentences is enough. Mine is one, but it reads like “a few” 😂 I’ve posted it below so you get an idea of content.
I am embarking on this no-sweets sugar detox challenge because I want to break my dependence on sugar, restore balance and control to my brain and body, and fulfill my nutritional and fitness goals.
Can’t wait to read yours! Some of you have shared your success of the first day and I’m SO PROUD of you. You’re one day closer to your goals!
DAY 2 Sugar Detox Challenge: Mission statements
• Parameters of challenge:
Abstaining from desserts, candy, pastries, and “dessert drinks” or sugary beverages like soda/lemonade/sweet tea/juice/lattes, etc. for 30 days.
My introductory post (link below) suggested writing down your own personal mission statement for this detox challenge, and keeping it on your phone (i.e. notes app) so that you can refer back to it for motivation.
Today I’d like those who have decided to take this challenge to post your mission statements. They need not be lengthy, but they should be well thought out and specific to yourself. Take a minute to really think/meditate on what you’re trying to accomplish. A few sentences is enough. Mine is one, but it reads like “a few” 😂 I’ve posted it below so you get an idea of content.
I am embarking on this no-sweets sugar detox challenge because I want to break my dependence on sugar, restore balance and control to my brain and body, and fulfill my nutritional and fitness goals.
Can’t wait to read yours! Some of you have shared your success of the first day and I’m SO PROUD of you. You’re one day closer to your goals!
We. Have. Got. This.
Be Free, Blenders 🦅☀️