Daily Check-in: Monday, July 23rd

Hello Blenders!

How are you all doing today? Do you guys hit up the 24-hour FB sale today??

I did! I bought a bunch of programs that I'm hoping my hubby will enjoy too! What about you guys? Which ones did you get?

As for today, is it a workout day or rest day for you?

My #WorkoutCompleteForK&D is gonna be this kickboxing/upper body workout:


Because, of course, kickboxing, right? haha

In regards to our virtual pizza party: this Saturday (July 28th), it would be really cool if everybody either made or ordered a pizza, and posted the pic/recipe here in the Community Section! Post a title of "FB Pizza Party" with your wonderful pizza and it'll almost be like we're all sharing a meal together! This is totally optional, and just something fun we could all do together (and since there are so many Blenders who are crazy about pizza, it seemed like a natural choice haha). It can be any pizza, in any way, shape, or form. And if Saturday doesn't work? That's ok! Join in on Friday or Sunday, or whenever works for you! (There's no reason a Pizza Party can't last all weekend! lol). Please join us if you feel so inclined!

As for today's meals? I have no idea what's planned! It's gonna be something quick thrown together tonight. What about you Blenders, what's on the menu today?

Oh, and if you're participating in Siobhan's Mobility Challenge, here's the link to the first day's stretches, so pop on over and let her know how it went for you!


Alright Blenders, I hope you all have a strong start to your week, and of course, a great day too! Thanks for checking in with me!