Just out of curiosity are there any moves that you hate to the point of sometimes/always skipping them??
I realize if an exercise is tough and I skip it, I'll never get better at it, on the other hand, mountain climbers really suck, amirite?
There are times when I'm doing mt climbers and I swear my hip joints are not aligned correctly, because it's not that they're hard, they're legit painful, so when that happens I totally give myself a pass.
Also - on a related note, are there any moves you wonder if you'll ever be able to do? Every time Daniel does a thigh slap I try and try, but it's not even close to what he's doing. My husband (who runs but does not other workout) came in and was able to do five having never tried before. Let's just say he slept on the sofa that night...jk
Skipping certain moves - yay or nay?
Just out of curiosity are there any moves that you hate to the point of sometimes/always skipping them??
I realize if an exercise is tough and I skip it, I'll never get better at it, on the other hand, mountain climbers really suck, amirite?
There are times when I'm doing mt climbers and I swear my hip joints are not aligned correctly, because it's not that they're hard, they're legit painful, so when that happens I totally give myself a pass.
Also - on a related note, are there any moves you wonder if you'll ever be able to do? Every time Daniel does a thigh slap I try and try, but it's not even close to what he's doing. My husband (who runs but does not other workout) came in and was able to do five having never tried before. Let's just say he slept on the sofa that night...jk