My bench finally made it to Alaska

I ordered this back on the 6th of June. It's now the 19th and here it finally is. Getting large objects shipped to Alaska is a massive pain. The rest of the United States seems to have a rather "Blank you" attitude towards both Alaska and Hawaii. "Pfft, ship THERE? Go live in a real State." But, three hours of shopping landed me this!

It's a light commercial grade FID bench (Flat/incline/decline) with a 1500lb weight capacity. More than enough to hold my overweight butt plus any amount of weight I drag onto it. Putting it together is the next challenge, with a manual that reads more like it wants you to be an engineer rather than a random individual or a gym employee. I'll be working it out with my dad. He's been around for more than seventy years, he's pretty experienced at putting things together.