I'd really appreciate some program recommendations. Here's my situation:
I'm starting off my FB journey with FB Bodyweight, but after that I want to move to strength training with weights. I have access to dumbbells etc. at the gym, but the gym has disadvantages: I can't nip down to the gym when I'm home with the kids! And I prefer to do the crazy cardio in the privacy of my home as well. (Especially kickboxing!)
So I'm looking for a program that has days each week without equipment (to work out at home only), and strength-training workouts that don't include lots of other stuff (to make gym workouts more straightforward).
My personal goals are: general fitness, to work hard! and to have fun.
Program recommendations? Home and gym workouts
Hi all,
I'd really appreciate some program recommendations. Here's my situation:
I'm starting off my FB journey with FB Bodyweight, but after that I want to move to strength training with weights. I have access to dumbbells etc. at the gym, but the gym has disadvantages: I can't nip down to the gym when I'm home with the kids! And I prefer to do the crazy cardio in the privacy of my home as well. (Especially kickboxing!)
So I'm looking for a program that has days each week without equipment (to work out at home only), and strength-training workouts that don't include lots of other stuff (to make gym workouts more straightforward).
My personal goals are: general fitness, to work hard! and to have fun.
Which program/s would suit me?
Thanks in advance!