Hi guys, so I have my holiday in 2 weeks and I really want to shed a couple of pounds from my mid section and tone. I don't have a lot of weight to lose at all (intact a lot of people tell me that if i lose anymore weight then there would be nothing left of me) I just find that I have put a few pounds on my stomach and my thighs which I didn't have before and I want to feel comfortable when I go away. I weight 9 stone 2 lbs and I am 5 foot 6. I have a 26" waist and my thighs are 21" I just want to lose half an inch off both. Do you think this is do able in the short space of time that I have and also what fitness blender program would be most beneficial for me? x
Hi guys, so I have my holiday in 2 weeks and I really want to shed a couple of pounds from my mid section and tone. I don't have a lot of weight to lose at all (intact a lot of people tell me that if i lose anymore weight then there would be nothing left of me) I just find that I have put a few pounds on my stomach and my thighs which I didn't have before and I want to feel comfortable when I go away. I weight 9 stone 2 lbs and I am 5 foot 6. I have a 26" waist and my thighs are 21" I just want to lose half an inch off both. Do you think this is do able in the short space of time that I have and also what fitness blender program would be most beneficial for me? x