Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs


When I was 16 I decided I wanted to lose weight. I was so fed up with having a massive belly and always being sleepy. I remember my cousins took me to go hiking, not super intense hiking or anything; just a state park called Enchanted Rock (super awesome place that you should try) and I felt like I was dying! I kept asking when it would be over and how on earth they considered something like that fun. I felt AWFUL. A few weeks later I attended a family reunion where I saw two distant relatives who had been in gymnastics their entire lives. I knew they were in shape but I hadn't seen them in a long time. The reunion was held in a church fellowship hall that had a gym attached and I watched them jump all around and do splits. (To be honest, they did a lot of things I still can't do, lol. Just crazy gymnastic stuff.) I just remember thinking how bad I wish I could lose weight, have muscle, and have THAT ENERGY. I was 16 and they were both in their 20's and I didn't have the energy to do even half of what they were doing. I decided I wanted change. Real change. Lasting change. That was a little over three years ago. In the first 8 months I had lost 50 pounds. At first, I wasn't too worried about muscle, but of course that became a big goal of mine over time as well. I learned so much about the food we eat and honestly grew so passionate about nutrition that I'm now finishing up my Freshman year of college in pursuit of one day having a Bachelors Degree majoring in Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics. (I by no means eat perfect. I'm in college. I'm married. I work full time. It is HARD to eat good all the time.) I have learned so many things over the years, about my body, what works for me, and what I can and just can't do. Today, I'm just happy to share my story. Happy to have found something I love and enjoy doing. When I get down on myself I try to remember - in the past three years, 1095 days - I have worked out more days than I haven't worked out. I am way more active.

Now, when I go to Echanted Rock (I live super close to it) I feel as if I would need to climb up and down 10 times to even get as tired as I had that first time I went.

If you just keeping pushing yourself forward, habits are formed, results are seen, and it so worth it.