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Book club + My Workouts Lately

Hello FB Family! How are you all doing? Checking in with a workout complete & the past month’s book list update. Feel free to share back ☺️

I took myself on a date to the beach last week, it was lovely. It was also very cold, so I pretty much had the place to myself. I grabbed some tasty Thai food from a local restaurant and read, wrote my name in the sand, and enjoyed the view and the sound of the ocean. I highly recommend random and indulgent time spent in nature πŸ’š

On Workouts
I had to start slowly after a full month completely off lifting and cardio. To get back into things, I stuck to 15-25 minute strength and Pilates workouts since my last post. Then last week, I jumped back into the 4 Week Jumpstart Challenge. I'm starting Week 3 today. It’s feeling good. Anyone else still working their way through Jumpstart? Or maybe the new FB 4 Week Low Impact Program? I also got a rebounder about 6 months ago and I’ve been enjoying that, too. I like to do just a few minutes at a time to break up lazier parts of the day (it makes a great break from working on my laptop). On a related note: watch for some future rebounder workouts to show up onsite from Tasha and Patrice!

On Reading
So. After I suggested a book club last time, I realized I have no idea how that works 😁 I love reading but I’ve never actually been a part of a book club before. I think my idea was to share what we’ve been reading, and what we thought of it - not so much to read the same book and then dissect. I’m always trying to “break the algorithm” and be exposed to things outside of what AI is trying to guess that I might like. So I appreciated all of you sharing what you’ve been reading and enjoying. I’ve got a bunch of stuff on my to-read list, thanks to your suggestions. Actually some of the things I read last month were down to your lists. No hard feelings if we ever like different stuff; it’s just an opinion and we all come from different walks of life (I think that’s a great thing).

From most to least favorite:

Fish Don’t Exist by Lulu Miller
Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
Several Short Sentences by Verlyn Klinkenborg
How Music Works by David Byrne
The Measure - by Nikki Erlick
Assassins Quest by Robin Hobb (3/3 in trilogy)

There were two books I read in this time period that I really didn't enjoy at all (I swapped them both out on the list above, for two different titles I read and liked over the summer). Rather than list the books that I really didn’t like and talk poorly of them, I think I would just rather not list them at all and not direct more attention to them, haha. Maybe something along the lines of “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? Maybe I'm too picky?

*Question - how often would you say you walk away from a book really happy with the read, versus irritated or dissatisfied?

I read fiction and nonfiction and I’m often reading more than one (or more than three πŸ˜‚) at a time. I like bouncing back and forth between fiction & nonfiction, even in a single session.

I tend to go through phases of *lots* of reading; and then none for months. But I’ve been pretty consistent in the last year or so. I find that my stress is easier to manage when I know I’ve got a good book to return to. I think that it lowers my stress level, even just seeing my books lying around.

A few days ago I started The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger. It’s about the life of plants, and I can already tell I’m going to love it. It has me so excited to start my summer garden - I foresee the rate at which I talk to my plants increasing by at least 200%.

*Another question: What genre do you find yourself gravitating to the most?

Share your recent reads & workouts, everyone is welcome and there’s no commitment required to participate!

Find the last "Book Club" post here

PS Please feel free to start your own book/reading related posts anytime - I'd love to just hop on & participate sometimes - I don't have to be the one starting the thread :) 
