Daily Check-in ANG: Monday, March 3rd

Heya Blendies! It's March, a.k.a., false spring, where just when you're ready to bust out the shorts, the temps get to freezing again. In New Mexico, that's when the windy season starts, and the wind blows like crazy for days, weeks, and sometimes months on end. Not good for curly-haired people such as myself.

Or Karen, who kept us going over the weekend. Thanks Karen!

Enough about the weather. Let's talk workouts! What have you got going on today? I've got the second half of Tasha's 30/30 routine:


Maybe a walk? If it's not too windy!

What about food? Maybe a chicken pot pie for my guys? Something vegan for me. I'm just not in the mood to cook!

But I *am* in the mood for coffee, and it's ready, so I'm outta here! I hope you have a wonderful day, and thanks for checking in!

Shout out to Anne- I hope your knee is starting to get better?

***All are welcome here!