Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Losing Weight and Building Muscle from R7 of Cooking More and Eating Healthy

Funny enough, without really thinking about it, I went down another 6 lbs this month. It’s weird since I’ll have a plateau, then have my period and lose weight really fast. 3 lbs in 3 days of my cycle - is that normal? It’s really weird.

I’ve been having a lot of boiled eggs with cashews and fruit and orange juice in the morning with an iron supplement.

Then for lunch… recently just Starbucks because I’m getting a little concerned about drastically losing weight on my period.

Still in a calorie deficit and am a little busy, so my meals are salad kits and rotisserie chicken. And also canned tuna.

Weirdly, I’m not as focused on food anymore, weirdly? Idk, I used to think about food and sweets all the time.

So my total weight loss has been 16 lbs and I have been doing FB Complete, but very slowly. It’ll probably take me 6-7 weeks, but definitely happy with the progress! I’m doing Reformer Pilates regularly, but FB strength training and mat Pilates/core workouts are the best!

Weirdly, I’m seeing abdominal definition while still being 30 lbs higher than I was before the pandemic. Definitely more than when I was at my leanest. The only difference is Reformer, but it hasn’t done much with my back yet.

From an Inbody scan, I lost 5.6 lbs of fat in one month and gained 2 lbs of muscle. I think the rest is just water weight from my period - I get ridiculously bloated for what seems like the entire month.

Overall, still work in progress, but definitely have a much lower appetite after eating more clean!
