Wisdom teeth surgeries gave me ideas of new challenge/program + new walking workouts
Hello Fitnessblender Family!
I posted here long ago, but i've been there behind the curtains.
1 month ago i had my first 2 wisdoom teeth surgeries(the top L&R). The surgeries weren't bad, but after that the recovery time for me was 1week, when i couldn't do amything, just sleeping, eating soft foods carefully and drinking water.
It made me thinking, that after 1 week break, i couldn't came back where i left the FB Kickstart Program, so I couldn't just jumped back to the 3rd week, but popped out of my head an idea, wjat i'd like to share with you guys. 🤗
So, i wanted progressively came back to strength&cardio, so i made myself a 1week program/challenge, and i'd be happy that in the future it would be a 4/8week program build by FB Trainers.
So here is the details of 1week challenge:
Name: Walking&Strength Challenge
Length: 1week, 6days with workouts
Duration: ~70 Minutes
Workouts: each days has 1walking workout+1strength (upper/lower/core) workout
For this challenge i choose 3 walking workouts:
1. 42Min Kickboxing Walking with Erica (this was day3&day5, with Kelli's upper body strength workouts combined)
3. 37Min Cardio Core Walking Workout with Erica (this was day1&day4, with Kelli's bored easily core workouts combined)
So i had a 6week challenge focusing on 2upper body, 2lower body, 2core focused days. Each day has a walking workout(i tried to pair these with strength workouts, where the similar muscle groups got a bit more attention).
I really liked, that each day has a walking workout to start the day, then the strength part, because:
- Walking Workout for me was a great lower impact, come back to workout again start, but these ones gave my heart rate pumpped.
- Walking Workouts for me were so much fun, balance challenge, low impact, but can be modified versions of training.
- Also walking workouts gave me a love to the cardio workouts, because sometimes the hard HIITs can scare me a bit 😂.
- And the walking workouts were the best cardio form, and also greatish warm up for the after coming strength workouts.
These are the reasons why i'd like to see here in FB a new 4/8week program like this.
Name: Walk&Build Program
Each week has 5/6+1 Workout days.
The 5/6days would be the walking cardio+strength combo workouts.
The +1 optional would be a long, 1hour stretch, pilates, yoga combo.
Each workout will be 50-70Minutes long, combining the walking cardio + muscle group focused strength parts.
But on week 3(&week 7) there would be a surprise you choose version on everything. What it means: there won't be 50-70Min 1long workout each day, but there would be(like my 1week challenge) 2 shorter videos: 1st will be a cardio walking, 2nd will be the strength workout. These weeks can give you a flexibility to choose each day what would like to do: maybe one day i'd like to both workouts, but other days maybe just the strength or just the cardio workout.
Walking workouts: i'd like to see not just the 45/15 Format walking workouts. But what about a 3in1 walking workouts? (Details a bit later)*
Equipment: range of dumbbells, optional mat, optional bench, optiona wall, optional mini resistance band.
So that's my idea, what i'd like to share and i hope one day it'll be a dream come true program here in FB.
A little update: yesterday was my another (bottom L) wisdom tooth surgery, so i'm here again this situation. The difference is, that last week i could finish the mew 4week FB Kickstart Program. I loved it! Good mix of strength&cardio, progressively challenging workouts, with many FB trainers!
Thanks FB!👌🥳
I can't wait to see more 5/10Day Challenge Series, 4/8 Week Programs in the Future.
* = Almost forget, but here it is.
3in1 Walking Workouts: 3 Different Timer Intervals in 1 workout, the exercises would be the same. But there are a couple versions, what i'll share with you guys here:
1st option: 50 Min 3in1 No Equipment Walking Workout: Warm Up&Cool Down Included, 7exercises total, 3timed intervals, doing each interval ×2(=1st interval: 7exercises, the doing again, water break, 2nd interval: 7 exercises in the list again, the doing again, another water break, 3rd interval: 7 exercises, the repeat these exercises 1more time, another water break, the going to cool down)(1st interval: 60sec on/20off, endurance interval, 2nd interval: 40sec on, 15sec off, still endurance, but gives a chance to do the exercises a bit faster or a mid-high intensity, add optional jumps/jogs, 3rd interval: 20sec on/10sec off, traditional tabata style, speed interval)
2nd option: 60 Minute 3in1 No Equipment Walking Workout with Warm Up&Cool Down. In this workout there'll be not just 3different timed intervals, but 3 body focused sections too. Warm up + Interval 1 (20on/10off×4, Standing Core Focused, Tabata Intervals) + Interval 2 (30on/10off×3, Kickboxing, Upper Body Focused Walking Intervals) + Interval 3 (40on/10off×2, Standing Lower Body Focused Walking Part) + Cool Down
3rd Option: 70 Minute Pyramid Walking Workout with Yoga Cool-Down (Warm Up, Workout Part: 2 Big Pyramids: 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100(30sec break)/90/80/70/60/50/40/30/20/10 intervals with 10sec break in each exercise, then water break, then 2nd Big Pyramid, then another water break, then 2 Litte Pyramid Finisher: 10/20/30/20/10 with 10sec break between exercises, (no extra 3psec rest on the top of pyramid), then 20sec break and doing the 2nd little pyramid finisher with the same interva format. In the finishers there will the same exercises like in the Big Pyramids, but this time combining 2/3 exercises in 1 interval). Then watwe break & doing the no timer used, relaxing Mobility&stretch & yoga.
Thanks for the chance, that i can share my ideas. I hope these will be real workouts!
Thanks FB Team & Family! 🥳🥳🥳
(Now i come back to rest, because of surgery pain 🤕)
Wisdom teeth surgeries gave me ideas of new challenge/program + new walking workouts
Hello Fitnessblender Family!
I posted here long ago, but i've been there behind the curtains.
1 month ago i had my first 2 wisdoom teeth surgeries(the top L&R). The surgeries weren't bad, but after that the recovery time for me was 1week, when i couldn't do amything, just sleeping, eating soft foods carefully and drinking water.
It made me thinking, that after 1 week break, i couldn't came back where i left the FB Kickstart Program, so I couldn't just jumped back to the 3rd week, but popped out of my head an idea, wjat i'd like to share with you guys. 🤗
So, i wanted progressively came back to strength&cardio, so i made myself a 1week program/challenge, and i'd be happy that in the future it would be a 4/8week program build by FB Trainers.
So here is the details of 1week challenge:
Name: Walking&Strength Challenge
Length: 1week, 6days with workouts
Duration: ~70 Minutes
Workouts: each days has 1walking workout+1strength (upper/lower/core) workout
For this challenge i choose 3 walking workouts:
1. 42Min Kickboxing Walking with Erica (this was day3&day5, with Kelli's upper body strength workouts combined)
2. 43Min Walking with Core Intervals with Kelli (my ultimate favourite,because this workout idea came by me 🤩, this was day2&day6, with Erica's lower body strength workouts combined)
3. 37Min Cardio Core Walking Workout with Erica (this was day1&day4, with Kelli's bored easily core workouts combined)
So i had a 6week challenge focusing on 2upper body, 2lower body, 2core focused days. Each day has a walking workout(i tried to pair these with strength workouts, where the similar muscle groups got a bit more attention).
I really liked, that each day has a walking workout to start the day, then the strength part, because:
- Walking Workout for me was a great lower impact, come back to workout again start, but these ones gave my heart rate pumpped.
- Walking Workouts for me were so much fun, balance challenge, low impact, but can be modified versions of training.
- Also walking workouts gave me a love to the cardio workouts, because sometimes the hard HIITs can scare me a bit 😂.
- And the walking workouts were the best cardio form, and also greatish warm up for the after coming strength workouts.
These are the reasons why i'd like to see here in FB a new 4/8week program like this.
Name: Walk&Build Program
Each week has 5/6+1 Workout days.
The 5/6days would be the walking cardio+strength combo workouts.
The +1 optional would be a long, 1hour stretch, pilates, yoga combo.
Each workout will be 50-70Minutes long, combining the walking cardio + muscle group focused strength parts.
But on week 3(&week 7) there would be a surprise you choose version on everything. What it means: there won't be 50-70Min 1long workout each day, but there would be(like my 1week challenge) 2 shorter videos: 1st will be a cardio walking, 2nd will be the strength workout. These weeks can give you a flexibility to choose each day what would like to do: maybe one day i'd like to both workouts, but other days maybe just the strength or just the cardio workout.
Walking workouts: i'd like to see not just the 45/15 Format walking workouts. But what about a 3in1 walking workouts? (Details a bit later)*
Equipment: range of dumbbells, optional mat, optional bench, optiona wall, optional mini resistance band.
So that's my idea, what i'd like to share and i hope one day it'll be a dream come true program here in FB.
A little update: yesterday was my another (bottom L) wisdom tooth surgery, so i'm here again this situation. The difference is, that last week i could finish the mew 4week FB Kickstart Program. I loved it! Good mix of strength&cardio, progressively challenging workouts, with many FB trainers!
Thanks FB!👌🥳
I can't wait to see more 5/10Day Challenge Series, 4/8 Week Programs in the Future.
* = Almost forget, but here it is.
3in1 Walking Workouts: 3 Different Timer Intervals in 1 workout, the exercises would be the same. But there are a couple versions, what i'll share with you guys here:
1st option: 50 Min 3in1 No Equipment Walking Workout: Warm Up&Cool Down Included, 7exercises total, 3timed intervals, doing each interval ×2(=1st interval: 7exercises, the doing again, water break, 2nd interval: 7 exercises in the list again, the doing again, another water break, 3rd interval: 7 exercises, the repeat these exercises 1more time, another water break, the going to cool down)(1st interval: 60sec on/20off, endurance interval, 2nd interval: 40sec on, 15sec off, still endurance, but gives a chance to do the exercises a bit faster or a mid-high intensity, add optional jumps/jogs, 3rd interval: 20sec on/10sec off, traditional tabata style, speed interval)
2nd option: 60 Minute 3in1 No Equipment Walking Workout with Warm Up&Cool Down. In this workout there'll be not just 3different timed intervals, but 3 body focused sections too. Warm up + Interval 1 (20on/10off×4, Standing Core Focused, Tabata Intervals) + Interval 2 (30on/10off×3, Kickboxing, Upper Body Focused Walking Intervals) + Interval 3 (40on/10off×2, Standing Lower Body Focused Walking Part) + Cool Down
3rd Option: 70 Minute Pyramid Walking Workout with Yoga Cool-Down (Warm Up, Workout Part: 2 Big Pyramids: 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100(30sec break)/90/80/70/60/50/40/30/20/10 intervals with 10sec break in each exercise, then water break, then 2nd Big Pyramid, then another water break, then 2 Litte Pyramid Finisher: 10/20/30/20/10 with 10sec break between exercises, (no extra 3psec rest on the top of pyramid), then 20sec break and doing the 2nd little pyramid finisher with the same interva format. In the finishers there will the same exercises like in the Big Pyramids, but this time combining 2/3 exercises in 1 interval). Then watwe break & doing the no timer used, relaxing Mobility&stretch & yoga.
Thanks for the chance, that i can share my ideas. I hope these will be real workouts!
Thanks FB Team & Family! 🥳🥳🥳
(Now i come back to rest, because of surgery pain 🤕)