Daily Check-in ANG: Monday, February 17th

Good morning my dears! How goes it today?

A big thank you to Lynne for keeping us rolling over the weekend! Also, I’m so glad that most of us seem to be in the “over” crowd when it comes to toilet paper. If you are an “under” person, I strongly urge you to reconsider. It’s not too late to change your ways. 😜 Let’s not even talk about whether or not you use an iPhone or an Android. 😂 That could really damage relationships here, and I’m not interested in doing that!

But I *am* interested in what workouts you’re doing today! Shoveling snow? Running? A FB program? I rescheduled today’s Fit 4 workout as I’m still feeling some lingering pain from yesterday’s migraine. I’ll go for a walk instead, and do some neck stretches with Kayla.

I’m always interested in what you’re eating! Beef and potato hash for my guys, something vegan for me that I’ve got stashed in the freezer.

Coffee calls me. Have a great day!