Daily Check-in ANG: Tuesday, January 28th

Hello, again, hello,

Just called to say hello... sorry this song just popped in my mind...

Must be tired of that workout I just did with Tasha for Day 23 of Kickstart. And once again I can say 'now THAT's what I call a great workout", I loved it. Then again, there's not much I don't love about Tasha's workouts. For this one you don't even need heavy weights to get a great burn, the repetitive movements do that for ya.

Of course not all of us are doing KS, so tell us what's on your calendar for today?

Another thing on mine is our weekly grocery shopping and I can already tell it's not going to be pleasant because it's dark, grey, super windy and raining. So everybody will be looking to park as close to the entrance as possible, afraid to get their hair wet.🙄

A good thing about grocery shopping though is that I know what I'm having for dinner. In fact it'll be lunch and dinner in one since we'll be going to our favorite Asian buffet, so I'll only be having some fruit later in the day. Come to think of it, I do eat a LOT of fruit..🤔

But enough about my dinner, what about yours? Is it tasty, is it sweet, is it juicy? Hm, hm, do tell me...

Okido my sweets, I'm off to have a quick breakkie and then a shower. I'll pop in later to read about your day.

Oh just a quick question. Has any of you read of seen The Tattooist of Auschwitz? I know it's maybe not very exciting lecture but I'm interested in reading it and I just wondered if any of you have?
