OK so this will probably sound slightly odd but hopefully someone else would have been in a similar situation!
So currently I do my own strength training (not FB) - heavy weights 3/4 times a week and 2/3 runs. I use FB for my flexibility work and I admit I'm not great at doing regularly- maybe once every 7-10 days. I do the occasional kettlebell or hiiit FB workout too if I can't get out for a run.
Anyway, I've been with FB for many years and used to do more of their vids before switching into my heavy strength work. I've worked really hard on developing muscle mass and I'm really pleased with how this and my strength has progressed however I really want to give one of the FB programmes a go now. A programme would be a nice change and would force me to spend more attention to the areas which I know I currently neglect such as bodyweight stuff, mobility, smaller muscle groups etc. But I'm worried that I'm going to lose all the progress I've made so far if I'm not doing such heavy or intense weight training.
Has anyone else worried about this but actually seen really positive results from switching to FB?
Worried about stopping current style of training
OK so this will probably sound slightly odd but hopefully someone else would have been in a similar situation!
So currently I do my own strength training (not FB) - heavy weights 3/4 times a week and 2/3 runs. I use FB for my flexibility work and I admit I'm not great at doing regularly- maybe once every 7-10 days. I do the occasional kettlebell or hiiit FB workout too if I can't get out for a run.
Anyway, I've been with FB for many years and used to do more of their vids before switching into my heavy strength work. I've worked really hard on developing muscle mass and I'm really pleased with how this and my strength has progressed however I really want to give one of the FB programmes a go now. A programme would be a nice change and would force me to spend more attention to the areas which I know I currently neglect such as bodyweight stuff, mobility, smaller muscle groups etc. But I'm worried that I'm going to lose all the progress I've made so far if I'm not doing such heavy or intense weight training.
Has anyone else worried about this but actually seen really positive results from switching to FB?