Daily Check-in ANG: January 20, 2025

Welcome to the start of another week, Blendies! And thank you to Karen for keeping us going over the weekend!

Let’s get to it! For the Kickstarters it’s day 15, upper body hiit cardio and strength sandwiches. If you’re not Kickstarting, what are you doing? Pickleball? Running? Mobility?

What about food? My dad sent us a box from Omaha Steaks with several selections of meat. 👏🏽 (That REALLY helps the grocery budget!) I set out the pork chops to thaw for my guys. I’m thinking a lentil eggplant stew for myself.

Finally, a question. I’ve got the itch to travel, but no money to scratch that itch! So I’m coming for a virtual visit! You won’t even have to clean house for me! But what kinds of things would we do? What places would we visit? Where would you take me to eat? What would I HAVE to see before leaving? Of course, feel free to ignore this question completely!

Okay all, I hope you have a wonderful day, and thanks for being here!

***All are welcome here!