As you did during the lower body version of this workout, you’ll complete four, 3-exercise circuits, aiming to lift your heaviest weights for the first exercise and treating the last two exercises as burnouts (I highly recommend using light weights for these latter two moves!). This workout is a great way to work on building muscle while working on increasing your weights for a few standard upper body lifting exercises (overhead presses, low rows, biceps curls, and chest presses).
I was really looking forward to filming this sister workout. I like picking up challenging weights just to see what happens – zero shame in having to decrease my weights or take a break here and there because this is how we see progress! Georgie (left arm) held up pretty well but there were definitely some “dodgy” moments throughout the workout, haha.
Let me know how this workout goes for you! Did you have any “woohoo I lifted heavier than I thought I could!” moments?
New FREE Workout! Three-Exercise Upper Body Strength Circuits
Good morning FB Family!
Let’s have some fun with the upper body counterpart to the lower body burner, Three-Exercise Lower Body Strength Circuits:
Three-Exercise Upper Body Strength Circuits
As you did during the lower body version of this workout, you’ll complete four, 3-exercise circuits, aiming to lift your heaviest weights for the first exercise and treating the last two exercises as burnouts (I highly recommend using light weights for these latter two moves!). This workout is a great way to work on building muscle while working on increasing your weights for a few standard upper body lifting exercises (overhead presses, low rows, biceps curls, and chest presses).
I was really looking forward to filming this sister workout. I like picking up challenging weights just to see what happens – zero shame in having to decrease my weights or take a break here and there because this is how we see progress! Georgie (left arm) held up pretty well but there were definitely some “dodgy” moments throughout the workout, haha.
Let me know how this workout goes for you! Did you have any “woohoo I lifted heavier than I thought I could!” moments?
See you on the screen!