Perspiration Pals 8 January 2025

Hi there, Pals! I jumped back into the world of work like lemmings off a cliff, which is a myth by the way, and you would think I jumped back refreshed and enthusiastic but I still have the taste of freedom in my mouth and a thought that’s constantly in the back of my mind: I don’t live to work, I work to live.

Speaking of working, or rather, working out, I started Beyond the Build with Brian last week so I can start thinking of what to do next. No idea, but I should be strength training. Have you started anything new? Something you’ve never done before?

Moving on to our fact-finder fragment, have you ever wondered why we never get tinned broccoli? We do, but only as soup. This is because broccoli doesn’t survive the canning process intact. For tinned food to be safe, it must be boiled to kill off any bacteria, sealed in the can and then heated again to make sure. Water boils at 100 degrees (Celsius) but when cooked at temperatures of over 93 degrees broccoli quickly disintegrates into a mush. Also, have you ever wondered if plants make noise? They actually do. They can creak and pop and sometimes you can hear them.

All right, Pals, that’s it from me, here’s a picture of a random tree. This is what they looked like last week. Beautiful, isn’t it?