Daily Check-In: A New Generation, Friday Nov 8th

Good morning ladies,

Well, it's morning here for me, most of you will probably still be in dreamland while I'm typing this.

I know Coby said she'd be starting the next check-ins come Monday but I felt the need to do one today too. I know most of us are still feeling very touched by how things turned out but I'm thrilled to see that a lot of us want to keep this group together.

I sincerely hope I'm not offending Kim or Raven here by just taking over, so if they should read this I'd once again like to say I'm honored to continue this wonderful thing you ladies started 6 years ago. I realise it won't be the same but my hope is that we can stay that safe place for people that both of you created.

So, on to today. How are you ladies?

How are those workouts coming along? Nearly finished with a challenge/program? Having a rest day?

Me, I'm not doing any workouts today, at least not FB ones. Shauna and Dennis have left at 6am this morning so I'm in battle cleaning mode. By the time I've finished, I'll have a nice active recovery to mark on my calendar.

As for dinner, pooh, I haven't even gotten that far but I don't think hubs'll feel like cooking today so soup sounds like a good alternative. Or maybe one of you can give me some inspiration?

Okido, I'm off, I'll pop in from time to time to see if any of you have reacted.

Djeez, I already need to edit. I forgot to remind you that Lea will be our ghost for this weekend and come Monday Coby will be your sprankling host. Come see, come see!!!!😜

For now, thanks for reading and have a great day everyone!!

*Gosh, you know the drill by now right?!*
