Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Autumn/Winter Arc Challenge Week 1

I've decided to try this "Winter Arc" challenge I've seen floating around on social media. The original challenge is for 90 days starting in October, but I'm modifying this for my needs. November-February tends to be when my mental health deteriorates, so setting and working towards some personal and work goals during that time will be most helpful for me. I'll be tracking my workout and nutrition progress here.

I'm only setting 1-2 specific goals for each area per month, that way I don't get overwhelmed.

I'm also not giving myself a specific day to check in, but I will aim to post an update at least once per week.

Month 1 (Wo. 1-4) Goals:

🏋🏿‍♀ Fitness


1. Three workout sessions per week: 1 strength, 1 mobility/flexibility, 1 cardio

I'm working on some FB programs for this goal. I've started FB Postpartum to help rebuild my core strength, plus resuming the FB Booty and Flex Challenges. I'm still walking 1-2x weekly with a friend, too.

🥣 Nutrition


1. Batch prep meal components at least once per week

For this goal, I think getting a crock pot would help me a ton. I work a lot and often don't feel like cooking when I get back home--especially meat. I'll do some browsing to see if I can find a good quality pot for my needs.

We'll see how I do :-)