Hi there, Pals! It’s finally nice and cool here and I’m as happy about it as a squirrel who found a big stash of hazelnuts, he thought he’d forgotten about. I’d say I sleep better but I got woken up by this invisible stink bug two nights in a row and I’ so mad. Now that I can finally sleep, I keep waking up like a breastfeeding mother… I mean why does this utterly stupid, evolutionary dead of a bug keep flying around in the dark hitting the ceiling and the walls? And how does it disappear without a trace...?
In other news, I started the day by doing Day 10 of Strong 2. I swapped the scheduled routine for another one which was rather tough but I like challenging myself and I’ve noticed that I can lift slightly heavier.
Moving on to our fact-finder fragment: The Tree of Ténéré: Once considered the most isolated tree on Earth, this acacia stood alone in the Sahara until it was knocked down by a drunk driver in 1973. Poor tree… Also, did you know that as of 2023 over 5000 exoplanets have been confirmed in the Milky Way Galaxy? Bonus fact: Energy vampires are devices that consume electricity even when turned off or are in standby mode subtly adding to energy bills. I thought they were people who insisted on showing you their holiday photos accompanied by long commentaries.
All right, Pals, I need to go now, here a picture of my birthday present from my brother. It’s a galaxy projector. I absolutely love it. So does the stink bug apparently. It keeps flying into the Andromeda galaxy or various nebulae.
Perspiration Pals 2 October 2024
Hi there, Pals! It’s finally nice and cool here and I’m as happy about it as a squirrel who found a big stash of hazelnuts, he thought he’d forgotten about. I’d say I sleep better but I got woken up by this invisible stink bug two nights in a row and I’ so mad. Now that I can finally sleep, I keep waking up like a breastfeeding mother… I mean why does this utterly stupid, evolutionary dead of a bug keep flying around in the dark hitting the ceiling and the walls? And how does it disappear without a trace...?
In other news, I started the day by doing Day 10 of Strong 2. I swapped the scheduled routine for another one which was rather tough but I like challenging myself and I’ve noticed that I can lift slightly heavier.
Moving on to our fact-finder fragment: The Tree of Ténéré: Once considered the most isolated tree on Earth, this acacia stood alone in the Sahara until it was knocked down by a drunk driver in 1973. Poor tree… Also, did you know that as of 2023 over 5000 exoplanets have been confirmed in the Milky Way Galaxy? Bonus fact: Energy vampires are devices that consume electricity even when turned off or are in standby mode subtly adding to energy bills. I thought they were people who insisted on showing you their holiday photos accompanied by long commentaries.
All right, Pals, I need to go now, here a picture of my birthday present from my brother. It’s a galaxy projector. I absolutely love it. So does the stink bug apparently. It keeps flying into the Andromeda galaxy or various nebulae.