Thanks for coming back for part 3 of this overeating series. I want to wrap up by sharing with you four tips for minimizing overeating and some ways to know when it’s time to seek help! First, I want people to recognize and honor that overeating happens from time to time and that’s okay. It’s also okay to feel however you feel about it afterward. But, if you’re looking for some ways to minimize overeating, here are four tips:
Minimize distraction
Try out not doing anything else while eating — no TV, computer, book, etc. Even if this isn’t realistic all the time, try it out occasionally.
Pay attention to how you feel (emotions and physical sensations) before, during, and after you eat.
Manage stress
Stress hormones interplay with hormones that regulate eating (and often can contribute to overeating indirectly)
Find ways to cope with stress that don’t involve food
Move your body!
Movement serves as one of those coping mechanisms I was talking about
Regular physical movement is actually linked with decrease in overeating (think correlation, not causation here)
Finally, how do you know when overeating has become an issue that needs to be addressed with the support of a professional? Here are some signs:
Feeling out of control with eating
Frequency of overeating (occasional is “normal”, habitual is not)
Eating habits/patterns cause significant distress
Overeating interferes with daily activities (school, social, work, etc.)
In these instances, you might seek support from a primary care physician, mental health professional, and/or a dietitian. If you have any general questions, I’d be happy to answer them and — as always — our community here at Fitness Blender is a great support system and often has many words of wisdom to share!
Series Overview
Part 1: Overeating defined, specifying what overeating is and is not, as well as some information on one of the factors in our environment that influences how much we eat that is often outside of our conscious awareness.
Part 2: Outline of six additional factors that influence how much food we take in that operate outside our awareness.
Part 3: (you are here): Tips from a Psychologist on how to avoid overeating as well as information on when you should seek help.
Wellness Content: Overeating Series - Part 3 of 3
Thanks for coming back for part 3 of this overeating series. I want to wrap up by sharing with you four tips for minimizing overeating and some ways to know when it’s time to seek help! First, I want people to recognize and honor that overeating happens from time to time and that’s okay. It’s also okay to feel however you feel about it afterward. But, if you’re looking for some ways to minimize overeating, here are four tips:
Minimize distraction
Manage stress
Move your body!
Finally, how do you know when overeating has become an issue that needs to be addressed with the support of a professional? Here are some signs:
In these instances, you might seek support from a primary care physician, mental health professional, and/or a dietitian. If you have any general questions, I’d be happy to answer them and — as always — our community here at Fitness Blender is a great support system and often has many words of wisdom to share!
Series Overview