I love working out

I love working out so much. I have used Fitness Blender for about 15 years (or however long they've been around). I love the variety of workout styles, you can pick whatever suits the mood you're in or your energy levels, or soreness from DOMS. Over the years I've learned to appreciate that you do not need to do an intense hiit to have it count, it can been a gentle yoga flow, low impact, pilates etc etc. I love moving, and I always feel good after. I have so much respect for my body for what it can do. I have watched myself progress in my ability, from not being able to do any pike push ups at all, to being able to complete the entire interval. I've watched my weights for strength training increase over the years, and my recovery time decreasing. I have done yoga today followed by all standing hiit, and I still feel like I just want to do more. But I have also learned that over training is not good and so I am just resting and enjoying my kids for the rest of the day. I am so grateful for FB, without them I have no idea where I'd be in terms of my fitness. I am healthy and fit but I still have wobbly legs and cellulite, but I am beginning to like and enjoy my body more and more, with my body image improving slowly but surely. I respect what my legs can do on leg day, more than I feel annoyed at them for being "too fat". I love having muscle definition in my arms even though I'm a slim woman. As Kelli says, "Strong is awesome". I will workout with FB for the rest of my days, enjoying it the whole way, and always feeling like part of a fitness family. Here's to FB, and all you other users and lovers of FB. Bring on the next workout and the next decade of workouts 💪 ❤️‍🔥