a note of appreciation

I've been a member of FB since 2016 and a very consistent user since 2020 (since, you guessed it, covid), taking breaks only when away for vacation or work. Every time I come back to it there's an exciting new program or series waiting to help me get back in the game.

There is truly an FB workout for every mood and every season. When I was feeling cooped up and restless during covid, regular strength and cardio workouts helped me stay sane and as a bonus, helped me get fit for the first time in my life.

When I became more confident and started trying harder workouts, it was to enjoy my progress rather than punish myself for whatever reason. I worked through all the Fit programs and gained a physical confidence I never had before.

When I badly sprained my foot last spring I'm convinced I recovered more quickly by going on regular walks and doing physical therapy videos and low-impact strength while respecting my limits (which I also learned how to do from FB).

Today, I was feeling really down after a month of work and personal stress. I have a history of depression so it's not a new feeling to me, but can be debilitating. I just did a nice stretching workout with Kelli and it changed my mood from apathetic and 'dead inside' to a more calm, level-headed and 'soft' feeling (for lack of a better word).

The mind and body are so connected, and I appreciate FB for always acknowledging that and teaching us how to work with this connection to improve well-being, be more present and exist more harmoniously.

Thank you to the founders, all the trainers and all of you if you made it to the end. I would love to hear how you maintain your well-being and manage the ups and downs of life.