HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group July 21st

Hello beautiful Blenders,

How are we all at an end of another week.

I'm at the Dublin airport again. Got up before 4am to get here. And now I'm waiting for my flight to Austria. Did I mention, I really don't want to go.

But good things are happening too. My 17 year old was invited a view month ago by a talent scout from the US to take part in a trial for a scholarship to play at a college in America. Then his accident with his foot happened and he couldn't train at all. I told him he should go anyway, have a look, talk to the people and he did that yesterday. And when he came back it got crazy. He took part despite haven't played since a month and the coach told him with his talent and skills he should skip the scholarship and instead play professionally in Europe and go apply/ compeat from there straight for the NBA🤯 Crazy. I hope he can fulfill his dreams.

Other than that, life is busy with our leprechauns but it is so much fun. My daughter will stay until Wednesday and all she does basically is sleep😄

No workout for me, other than walking through airports. What have you planned? Is some self-care included?

After the quote from Martine yesterday I thought picking something sweet in the bakery can't be wrong.

Wishing you all that your day just sparkles ✨