Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Weight lifting while pregnant

Hello everyone! 👋

I was actually planning to start Brian's new challenge this week, but since I've just discovered I'm pregnant and I'm still figuring out how to continue integrating exercise effectively.

Normally, I like to train five times a week with heavier weights (L-U-L+Core-U-L). Accordingly, I usually pause the video and take longer breaks.

I have an appointment with my gynecologist in a few weeks to discuss more details, so I've been brainstorming on my own in the meantime.

I've been thinking about maybe reducing my weights to half and monitoring my heart rate more closely to ensure it doesn't exceed 140. Otherwise, I'm a bit unsure if this is the right approach to maintaining my training form as best as possible.

How did you modify your training at the beginning of pregnancy? I would be very grateful for your experiences and advice. ❤️