Day 6 of 30 Day Challenge: Complete!

I have struggled for so many years with the all or nothing mindset. I'll start and stop Fitness Blender programs, because "I missed a day, and now I've screwed it all up!" Let me tell you, I still struggle with that, but listening to Kelli and Daniel joke during Day 1 how their goal is to finish the Challenge in 40 days, but that might not even happen, makes me feel a little bit more okay with moving the days around here and there. Today should've been Day 8, but I've allowed myself to move things around because my body was extra sore or I was really tired, and although my mindset will still take some time getting away from the all or nothing, I'm doing okay! My goal is to work out at least 3 days a week, and last week I worked out for 4, so that was a win! Here's to the next 24 days of the program!

P.S. Yes, I know the beginning of July is bare. We were preparing to go camping over the 4th of July, and anyone who goes camping, especially tent camping, knows it's a lot of work! Instead, I just focused on getting my steps in and kept telling myself that steps are a great workout too, and when we get back I'll get back to it!
