Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

R3: Day 27 of Eating Out Less and Cooking More

So this has been a very interesting month overall! I had a really hard time losing weight, then lost weight, then re-gained it back (between R2 and R3). I also got sick from a lack of sleep (way too much stress), so that wasn't great. I'm seeing a loss in Body Fat, so I'll just follow that. I started to add old-time K+D HIIT workouts that were 20-30 minutes before Reformer, which were great! Then I got sick, so now I'm doing mat Pilates to slowly recover.

My family is visiting and I noticed that while I normally am not hungry, I did crave caffeine and crepes when they were there. I can't have coffee, so had passion tree green tea as something with less caffeine.

I'm really craving citrus-y drinks; I do like water, but it's not the same. I'm thinking of trying hibiscus tea. I'd love any advice on the tea!

I almost made a major life decision that would have been boon for my mental health, but a bane for my finances. Unfortunately, I'm STILL eating out far too much. I will say, less with restaurants and more with getting sweets with DoorDash. And also gluten free bread, but it's honestly easier to just pick that up directly from the store since it's on my way to work.

I got really into making sandwiches - once I bought the gluten free whole grain bread, I started adding ham, egg, thyme, goat cheese, and Buffalo dip. And it's so filling! I notice that when I have that for 2 meals, I lack hunger until it's time for the next meal. But when I just have something like grilled chicken and zucchini, I get hungry again. I think that I probably need more fat and whole grain in my diet to not get hungry. Weirdly enough, whenever I would go out to restaurants, I'd always order a sandwich. They were also farther away from my commute; because of the heat, I really don't like driving off of my office commute. It adds much more time if I have to go the opposite way, pick up the order, then drive more to get back.

Because of really liking the sandwich, I've stopped going to restaurants to eat out. As sad as it sounds, I mainly got gluten free sandwiches, but I can get gluten free bread and make a significantly better sandwich.

But that's not really a complete meal - I've been adding olives, but I do feel that I need significantly more vegetables. I forgot that I had spinach that expired yesterday. Idk if I can eat it, but they look OK. I do know that expired spinach is the worst, so I might just dump it and buy new spinach, then add it to the sandwich to have more vegetables. Or maybe cooked spinach with olives. I really do love olives.

I like that it's a complete meal of fiber, carbs, fat, and protein. I could go on about the new-found love for sandwiches, but I'll stop here.

I do notice that I crave sweets when near family/dealing with family drama. Somehow I got enmeshed in this strange drama with my entire family, and then they came to stay with me. I'm not a part of this drama, but probably would have been better to ignore everyone entirely so they wouldn't come over and never leave.

It was more obvious since my family tried to cook for me - I think that I subconsciously have been rejecting their meals, which explains why I eat out a lot or make sandwiches. They're fantastic cooks, but they throw sugar in everything because they wanted my siblings and I to gain weight (as a child since we all had high metabolisms). Which probably explains my sugar problems as an adult. Weirdly, the rest of my siblings don't like sweets, but they're addicted to potato chips, which are the one thing I've never liked - I don't like salty food. I'm also the only non-diabetic on both sides of the family.

I think that I'll continue to not eat their meals and make sandwiches, which I'm really into right now. I might make salmon tomorrow, but that's about it.

I mentioned earlier about going to OA, and I still don't like it. I'll try again next week, but I think it's mostly since I can't relate to anyone in my chapter and moderation isn't the focus - it's all extreme diets which they fail very frequently on. The idea is to read the literature whenever you're craving sugar, which makes sense, but I find myself craving sugar when I read the literature about avoiding sugar.

But I think it's a good practice to go there, because I always tend to order food on the weekend when I don't have to drive into the office, and therefore don't want to drive since it's too hot. I've noticed that going there has resulted in less ordering out on the weekends.

I did go to the doctor and got a blood test. My A1C dropped from 5.2 to 4.7, which is the lowest it's been since before the pandemic, which is pretty good!

Time blocking is still a struggle, but that's probably since I got really into re-watching Game of Thrones and reading theories while I was sick.
