Perspiration Pals 27 June 2024

Hi there, Pals! Happy little Friday! I can’t wait for this week to end. Well, work week to be more precise. My hair is extra crazy in this utterly disgusting DISGUSTING humid weather. I know I shouldn’t be so preoccupied with how I look but lately my attitude towards myself has been worse than ever. I walked past my mirror yesterday (scantily clad) and thought ‘why have you ever thought that your body is fine?’ Now, it’s ‘your face is awful’ (the eczema didn’t help either) ‘your hair is awful’ and now this. Nice introduction to today’s thread, isn’t it? On the other hand, I know that many of you (too many of you) feel pretty much the same and so I just wanted to say that you’re not alone but also, we should just stop with this nonsense. Collectively.

I did Day 11 of the Bodyweight program and I asked you what you’re doing right now but I didn’t have time to get back to you, sorry about that. So today it was wall-to-wall push ups with Daniel and it started nicely but then I had to realise that I can do some push ups if, but only if, that’s all I have to do. I anyone says ‘Do 10 push ups.’ I can do that but if I have to do any other push-up variation, I collapse like an old bridge.

Moving on to our fact-finder fragment, let’s talk about some body&life facts. Did you know that your nose can remember 50,000 different scents? I didn’t. Also, did you that human life expectancy has increased more in the last 50 years than in the previous 200,000 years of human existence? The average human will yawn around 250,000 times over the course of his life. (and I’ve just yawned) And finally, a steady stream of minor accomplishments makes you more satisfied with your life than a few major accomplishments.

All right, Pals, I need to go now, be good if you can and don’t be hard on yourselves. At least try not to be…