Perspiration Pals Tuesday June 11, 2024

Hello, lovelies, and Happy Tuesday. How is everyone doing? I've been away for the past few days due to needing to travel to a wedding this past weekend so let me know if I missed anything important. It was super tiring and there was family drama so...pretty normal for a wedding, all in all.

I took yesterday off from work because my brain was fried from all the socializing I had to do for three days straight. It was rather interesting, the happy couple and most of the guests are doctors and you couldn't sneeze without someone offering you three types of pills. There were also at least three psychiatrists in attendance, so I'm set in case I ever go crazy(er).

Ok, let me see what bits of funny/cute I can find for you and I'll be off.

First, a reminder that dancing is free cardio so put on your favorite jam and shake it a bit today. I, personally, am really enjoying this one for the summer (linking just the audio because the video might be a bit NSFW)

Random assortment of shorts:

Let me know if you've clicked (well, copy pasted) anything and don't forget to have a great day! Oh, and share your favorite dance jams!