Weekend Ghosting: Sun, June 2nd

Bonjour les filles!

How are you doing on this Sunday? Gosh, June already, it's amazing how quickly time goes by right?! So best not waste any time and get going with this check-in. I'll try to keep it a bit shorter today, but no promises...

So, let's talk workouts first. Are you moving that body in a sportsy way today at all? Shaking that upper body, swinging those hips or stamping them feet? Or do you think, naaah, I'll just hang in my sofa with a nice cuppa-something and some leftover Oreo cake?

Me.. I'll be doing the latter methinks but then minus the cake. I won't be sharing a surprise in saying I'll be or crocheting or reading right?

What I will most definitely be doing though is scheduling that spanking new challenge Tash will be releasing today. I'm totally stoked about this new strength block and can't wait to start. Will any of you ladies participate in the block too?

Okido, then on to the food part. Again no surprise here, probably our usual Sunday dinner: steak and chips. I know, pretty boring but hey why mess with something that's good right?

And if you've got better ideas or suggestions, throw them my way, I'll take note but probably never try them.😂😂

I'm flying through this, I'm already at the end of my blabbering!

Picture.. sorry ladies, again some crocheting stuff. Some placemats this time, they're easy, quick and mindless. Very handy stuff while watching a program on TV hubs is raving about, but which I'm thinking is pretty crappy, but pretend is darn interesting.😜

Woohoo, you made it! Now that wasn't too bad right? Nothing left for me but to thank you for putting up with me this weekend. Come Monday Ravishing Raven will be back so make sure you're checking in!

I'll pop in later to look at some comments, in the meantime:

Have a great day everyone!!🥰

**Anyone is welcome here. We're a crazy but lovely bunch of ladies who'd love to here from you, so stop lurking and join in. You know you want to!!!**