Posted in: FB Team / Announcements

Week 2 of Beyond the Build is here!

Hey there, Team!

We've made it through Week 1, and it's time to keep that momentum rolling into Week 2! Get ready to tackle some exciting new workouts and push yourselves even further. This week, I incorporated another AMRAPS and EMOMS so that we could focus on our reps to start the week off. So again, Team, don't worry; lift it a little heavier.

Here's what's in store this week:

Day 6: Upper Body Strength AMRAP's  (48 min | Level 4)
Day 7: Lower Body Strength EMOM's   (56 min | Level 4)
Day 8: Active Recovery with Deep Stretching  (28 min | Level 2)
Day 9: One-Dumbbell Cardio and Core HIIT  (37 min | Level 4)
Day 10: Full Body No Repeat Total Body Strength  (46 min | Level 5)

As we dive into Week 2, remember to stay focused and committed. We have five more days. Let's use this week to dig a little deeper and see what new goals and PRs you can set for yourself! Let's finish strong!

Let's smash Week 2, Team! You've got this!