Perspiration Pals 16 May 2024

Hello there, Pals! How are you today? You’ve been really active yesterday; I’ll get back to you as soon as I can but once I start work, I get lost in the forest of mundane tasks while my soul is rattling the cage screaming for freedom. I had a hard time waking up today but for some strange reason I still haven’t given it up yet. (Getting up early to work out, I mean. Not getting up in general…)

Anyway, I started the day by doing an upper-body routine with Erica and I don’t know how sore I’ll be tomorrow but as usual (I should work on this) I underestimated yesterday’s Pilates routine and every time I cough or sneeze, I realise how many muscle groups worked hard doing exercises that seemed simple and easy. As for my push-up challenge, dear reader, I think I’m on the slippery slope of ‘I don’t know if I want to keep on doing this’ because it’s not going to well. There are days when I can do 5 more or less full push-ups but those are the good days because I usually collapse like a Jenga tower after 4…

Let’s move on to something completely different. Fun facts. Did you know that Benjamin Franklin never patented any of his inventions? He reasoned that "we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously." Completely unrelated but did you know that left-handed people process multiple stimuli faster than righties? I must be the exception… Bonus fact, did you know that the man who invented the water bed was unable to patent it because it had already appeared in science-fiction novels?

All right, Pals, that’s it from me today. Have an easy day and don’t forget to read something interesting today. (random piece of advice)

PS, random tulips. I hope you like them.