HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group April 26th

Hi, lovelies, and Happy Friday. Fly by check in for me. Still in Italy, we’ve had pretty crap weather and it’s only getting worse so I’m a bit bummed. We decided to skip Cinque Terre as it was a pretty long train ride if the weather turned so pictured is Camogli. It was still quite lovely to my eyes. Currently in Milan, trying to solve an issue with our heater. I hope it gets fixed cause I don’t want to deal with asking for a refund and moving.

So yeah, not in the best of moods currently which I know, I should keep things in perspective. I am still on vacation in a bucket list place for many people. Will make the best of it, but gelato is not very appealing at the moment, sadly, so no comfort there.

Hope weather is better for your plans, wherever you are. Have a great day, everyone!
