Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Day 3/30: Eating Unprocessed Food and Cooking More

So I took today off to deal with car problems that I've been neglecting with work. Who knew that driving to work every day would lead to less time at work, smh.

I've been having calf problems and went to acupuncture. I could probably do Pilates, but I didn't really think of it. But definitely not reformer - I think I did too much calf work when I should haven't due to already tight calves.

So for eating, I had a protein drink (plant based) when I went shopping. I also had a oat latte that had pretty clean ingredients, and definitely better than Starbucks/less sugar. I got a Stanley cup and drank 120 Oz of water, which is more than normal. I'll continue taking that everywhere! I had that probably at... 10 - 11. I also got egg bites from Starbucks for some protein and had it during that time period

But then I forgot about lunch, actually, that's a complete blur. I couldn't tell you what happened, but then I went to acupuncture and came back at 4. I had the remaining 3 cookies while I cooked. Initially I was aiming to just make an omelette, but decided to wing it since I had time and meal-prepped.

It's actually pretty good! Made this salmon and cauliflower dish with spinach, mushroom, and cheese. It's literally just my omelette recipe, but I added a starch and then more protein.

I think I get overwhelmed during work and don't cook, but I didn't have work today and still forgot to eat lunch. Cooking is relaxing, but I think my timing is so off, eating-wise. I think it's easier to get a better eating schedule when I'm not working out, weirdly? I grew up cooking every meal for my siblings and parents and also did all the cleaning (eldest child syndrome), but as an adult, I'm horrible at doing that. I like cooking for others, but I'm so bad at doing anything for myself.

But I have lunch and dinner for the next few days! Though I probably will have to eat at work tomorrow so I can get the car stuff somewhat fixed. Or go home at lunch - the food is nasty and I've seen bugs in the salad, which is why I usually just work through lunch so I can finish an hour early.

I'll be staying up late tonight to finish work (even though I took PTO, smh), then have to wake up early to drop off my car, so definitely contemplating that I'll be tired and eat a little worse. Planning may be more helpful here, so I might just go to Starbucks for their egg bites since they're the only ones awake, and then use MacroBarista to get coffee with significantly less calories and sugar.