Perspiration Pals April 9, 2024

Hello, lovelies. I am once again in a rush because my job is doing its best to send me to a mental institution. Stuff keeps breaking and I seem to be the only one who can fix it. If I'd broken it in the first place it would be one thing but I can't even say that.

Speaking of my work woes, this video shows the essence of working in SW engineering in 3 short minutes:

This penguin is me when someone tries to weigh me, except much cuter:

Anyone do couples' yoga? This is an instructional video on how NOT to do it:

Also, if anyone is planning to travel with their dog, this is how to do it:

Ok, that's all I have for you, hope something puts a smile on your face. I've been bad about replying because brain but I do read everything you guys post and if there are any more pictures of Jake I won't be mad about it. Have a great day and stay hydrated!