Weekend Check-in đź‘»: March 30th

Welcome to the last Saturday in March, my beautiful Blendies! How are we already on the cusp of April?!

Random question: did you know that when you use a question mark and an exclamation mark as I just did in that previous sentence that it’s called an “interrobang”? “Interrobang” might be my new favorite word.

Not so random question: what’s on your workout calendar for today? I’m going to do this upper body favorite with Nicole:


I’d like to go for a walk as well. The weather is supposed to turn cold and nasty again starting tomorrow, so I’ll enjoy the warmth while I can!

What about food, folks? I bought two racks of ribs on sale for $6 each, which is a steal! I’ll make those for my guys, along with potato salad and beans. Leftover vegan something or other for me.

While we’re on the topic of food, I’ve got one more question for you. Feel free to ignore. What food is your “kryptonite”? The one you see at a party and you have to move far away from it because it zaps all of your strength and makes it difficult to resist? Mine is gummy candy- licorice, gummy bears, jelly beans, Swedish fish…I’m salivating just thinking about it!

Finally, a pic. A starfish we found in the tide pools during our trip to California. I had never seen a live one before! His underside is in the replies. He was probably embarrassed that I flashed his parts!

Have a great day!

***All are welcome to check in here, say hi, share how you’re doing, etc.