HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group March 21st

Hello beautiful Blenders,

We finally had some proper sun without wind yesterday. It felt good after all the rain.

I thought I share hopefully the final story from my former workplace:

My husband still works at the university which I left but in a different department, which works much better. He ran into my old colleague and found out that no one applied for my job. So they had to advertise it again with a bit more luck. Now they are in the process of organizing interviews. But it's already March. I left basically in December. I would love to know what the partners from the new project think that there is no one really around to do the work. But maybe I underestimate my former colleague and he is doing a great job in the department of social science 😉The answer came fast. He was at a project meeting for another project in Italy and something from the contribution my husband and I developed didn't work, because it was never tested by partners since we finished it in 2022. So we couldn't fix it. Anyway, my former colleague was bombarding my husband with emails expecting him to fix the issue. But my husband hasn't worked on the project anymore since 2022. It was very annoying this tone and expectation from my former colleague. My husband was more annoyed than me because first his wife gets bullied out of this place and now he should fix it. It won't happen. I guess my former colleague embarrassed himself very much at that meeting. I shouldn't pay that much attention to it, because I'm in a better place now, but I can't avoid a little bit of malicious joy.

Ok enough of that. What have you planned for today. What exercises are on or off?

I will do something with strength and something with HIIT. It seems to work the best for me to get my heart rate up and then do some kind of strength training.

Wishing you all that your day just sparkles ✨