We slash the typical EMOM (every minute on the minute) 60-second-long interval in half, aiming to complete 4 to 6 reps of each exercise across four, 3-exercise circuits. Make sure to preview the workout outline and write-up before pressing play to consider your weight choices for each exercise so that you can make your selections readily accessible to you during the quick transitions. We move with urgency from start to finish!
This was one of the first workouts I filmed after a deload phase so my arms were pretty toasty by the last burnout round. You read that correctly - there are indeed a couple burnout rounds of fun in this workout (hurray!).
There may or may not be a lower body counterpart to this workout (we all know there is).
Have fun and let us know if you enjoyed this format!
New Workout! Upper Body Half-EMOM Strength Circuits
Good morning FB Family!
I encourage you to challenge your weight selections in today’s uniquely structured upper body strength workout:
Upper Body Half-EMOM Strength Circuits
We slash the typical EMOM (every minute on the minute) 60-second-long interval in half, aiming to complete 4 to 6 reps of each exercise across four, 3-exercise circuits. Make sure to preview the workout outline and write-up before pressing play to consider your weight choices for each exercise so that you can make your selections readily accessible to you during the quick transitions. We move with urgency from start to finish!
This was one of the first workouts I filmed after a deload phase so my arms were pretty toasty by the last burnout round. You read that correctly - there are indeed a couple burnout rounds of fun in this workout (hurray!).
There may or may not be a lower body counterpart to this workout (we all know there is).
Have fun and let us know if you enjoyed this format!
See you on the screen!