Well after over a year off from working out, I'm officially back at it! Starting over is so hard, but I will get there. 😊
Back in April of 2021, I was so unhappy with myself. I had gained a bunch of weight and was the heaviest I'd ever been (at that point lol) and decided I was going to do something about it. From that point, I worked out consistently for about a year and a half. I was so proud of myself for sticking with it. The holidays were always tough for me and I usually ended up stopping working out around then and would pick it up again in the spring. But that year I was able to make it all the way through! In that year and a half, I lost 16lbs, lost 4.5" off my waist, 4" off my belly, and was in the best shape of my life.
Then in August of 2022 my husband and I received some bad news. It threw me into a funk and I stopped working out. At first it was just a few missed workouts here and there, then they just stopped all together.
Fast forward to February 2023 and my husband and I received fantastic news! We were having a baby. 😊 I wanted to get back into working out and in fact did a few of Nicole's prenatal workouts, but I was so scared that I was going to hurt the baby since I hadn't worked out in so long. On top of that I kept having minor scares (accidentally bumping my belly into dumbbells or the floor while exercising), so I quickly fell out of working out again.
Now little man is here! Sometimes I still can't believe I'm a mom. I'm 4 months postpartum and so exited to be working out again. I just started week 2 of FB Strong and man oh man am I weak now lol! I am quite easily in the worst shape of my life, but I know I'll be able to work my way back eventually.
Finding time to workout as a first time mom with a 4 month old is hard, so my workout schedule is all over the place. I just keep telling myself "at least you're doing something." I'm only about 4lbs heavier than I was back in April of 2021 when I got serious but I'm definitely feeling those extra 4lbs in my workouts lol.
Can't wait to keep working on it and see my progress as I go! Feels great to be back. 😊
Getting back to it 4 months postpartum!
Well after over a year off from working out, I'm officially back at it! Starting over is so hard, but I will get there. 😊
Back in April of 2021, I was so unhappy with myself. I had gained a bunch of weight and was the heaviest I'd ever been (at that point lol) and decided I was going to do something about it. From that point, I worked out consistently for about a year and a half. I was so proud of myself for sticking with it. The holidays were always tough for me and I usually ended up stopping working out around then and would pick it up again in the spring. But that year I was able to make it all the way through! In that year and a half, I lost 16lbs, lost 4.5" off my waist, 4" off my belly, and was in the best shape of my life.
Then in August of 2022 my husband and I received some bad news. It threw me into a funk and I stopped working out. At first it was just a few missed workouts here and there, then they just stopped all together.
Fast forward to February 2023 and my husband and I received fantastic news! We were having a baby. 😊 I wanted to get back into working out and in fact did a few of Nicole's prenatal workouts, but I was so scared that I was going to hurt the baby since I hadn't worked out in so long. On top of that I kept having minor scares (accidentally bumping my belly into dumbbells or the floor while exercising), so I quickly fell out of working out again.
Now little man is here! Sometimes I still can't believe I'm a mom. I'm 4 months postpartum and so exited to be working out again. I just started week 2 of FB Strong and man oh man am I weak now lol! I am quite easily in the worst shape of my life, but I know I'll be able to work my way back eventually.
Finding time to workout as a first time mom with a 4 month old is hard, so my workout schedule is all over the place. I just keep telling myself "at least you're doing something." I'm only about 4lbs heavier than I was back in April of 2021 when I got serious but I'm definitely feeling those extra 4lbs in my workouts lol.
Can't wait to keep working on it and see my progress as I go! Feels great to be back. 😊