Daily check-in Saturday Feb 3,2024 đź‘»

Hey FBers,

Sorry, but you’re stuck with me this weekend. The most boring and prob the most injury prone of the daily checkin-ers. We’ll just call it “giving you an opportunity to practice patience and extend Grace.”

Nothing new here, except there was an EARTHQUAKE last night!! (There’s no other reason my bed was rockin!) It was around 11p . The Epicenter was 50 miles away (~80km). It was 5.1 on the Richter scale. It was actually kind of fun! I’ve experienced a few here in OK,but not in an awhile . My hubs is so glad he’s retired!! Otherwise he’d be taking calls , making calls etc (i don’t know about what exactly?) . He was the associate director for the Oklahoma Geological Survey (the office of the state geologist), and for a while he was the interim Director.

I have a friend that lives near the Epicenter. so I’m going to text her in a bit and see what’s going on!!

Ok back to regular programming ! What are you guys doing today ? Working out, rest day, being active with other things?

As for me, I’m going to start Essentials today. After coffee of course !

And let’s see after that, it’ll be yarny things, looking through my fabric leftovers and see if I have enough to make a baby boy quilt and reading. Big surprise there!!

Also no big surprise that I have no clever way to get to food. As always no clue here. We’ll be going to watch the grandbaby (at 5p) while daughter and SIL go eat with some friends (the older 2 are spending the night with the other grandparents). So that really puts dinner up in the air. Maybe I can talk hubs into going to pick something up? It’s too early to eat before we go. So idk.

Ok that’s about it for me. I’ve rambled long enough .

The usual “everybodys welcome here”.
