Perspiration Pals Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

Hello, team, and Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone is doing well, we're seeing the sun for the first time in over a week so I feel slightly alive instead of barely. I've also been indulging in some candy books and i gotta say, there's nothing like it for my seasonal depression.

I started Brian's challenge today. Between Erica's barre challenge last week and my habit of doing kickboxing on Sundays, I hadn't lifted heavy in over a week and yowza, my shoulders are alive!

In case Martine visits today, I feel you would resonate with the meme as much as I did.

Ok, let's see about some links while my code is compiling. First off, since we've had multiple discussions about this and clothes in general, some(one) of you might be interested in learning about how Victorian faked their tiny waists without tightlacing or fainting(~18 minutes)

I found this video about dating culture in the '50s so interesting, it seems both low (very casual) and high (you couldn't go anywhere without a date) in stakes at the same time (~32 minutes):

What was the dating culture like when your were a teen/young adult? I had no dating life to speak of until at least 22 so can't comment too much but in general it was a big deal and seen as a commitment and breakups meant DRAMA.

If you've ever been curious about Moldova and Transnistria, here's a short intro, visit included (15 minutes):

On to very short and cute stuff, will I keep badgering on about donkeys? Why yes, yes I will:

Look at this adorable tiny cow:

Also, this is how you test Ragdoll kittens:

To round out the menagerie, looook at this prairie dog:

Ok, I think you've had enough. Do share your thoughts if you check out the longer links but mostly do enjoy the cuteness in the shorter ones! Let me know what you are up to and remember to have a great day!