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Day 9 Workout Complete ✅

Hello FB Family!

How is your week going so far? Are you finding time for your workouts or treating yourself to some downtime?

Daniel and I just finished Day 9 with Kayla and we loved the mobility work - such a nice treat after yesterday’s strength training with Tasha. I really enjoyed the stretches and range of motion of these exercises.

Between the relatively short duration of the workouts (around 30 minutes) and the built-in mobility focused & recovery days, this 2 week challenge feels like a real excuse buster, a great way to get back on track with consistency of working out. If you’re following along with us, I hope you’re enjoying it as much as we are!

For the rest of the day, I’m hoping to do some planning for a new workout I’m trying to film soon, enjoying some tasty food, and relaxing while I watch the storm that is absolutely pummeling our area at the moment. I hope you have a great day!


PS is your workout partner even a workout partner if you don’t troll each other intermittently? See the additional pic in the comments for proof we can’t stay serious around here for too long haha.