New Video! Gentle Yoga For Alignment: Low Back Focus
Join me on the mat for a feel-good pranayama (breathwork) and gentle asana (yogic postures) practice! With foundational tools on offer, this practice is designed to strengthen the complete core and release tension in the low back – suited for all levels!
Several months ago, my sister partially herniated a disc in her lumbar (low) spine. While she experienced tremendous discomfort and pain for awhile, she has been graciously allowing me to work with her (and share her experience with all of you) to help rebuild her core strength. Working with my sister and her injury, I have learned that not only building a strong core is important, but retraining the mind and body to move from the strength and support of the core is necessary for prevention of a variety of injuries and overall longevity of a healthy spine.
This experience is what inspired this practice: how can I take my Yogic tools and adapt them to fit a practice that will empower individuals with varying backgrounds/experiences? I wanted the core work on offer to be accessible to all levels, and I wanted to share foundational tools that can be modified to enhance the challenge as we grow stronger. So here is what we will explore: this practice begins with a warm-up of breathwork (Kapalabhati or Breath of Fire) that will engage and warm up the abdominal muscles. From the breathwork, we will navigate a series of movements that will slowly build on one another, so that you can work from the level that most appropriately challenges you. My intention for offering these foundational movements is to help you strengthen the mind-muscle connection, discover proper alignment while building control, and provide you with a baseline of strength and mobility that you can watch progress over time and with practice! 🙂
When my sister first felt ready to give very gentle movement a try, we started her on her back and played with simple movements. On day 1 we discovered that the only movement accessible to her was to lift her foot about an inch off of the mat, with her leg partially extended (knee slightly bent). We came to the mat every day for several months, just exploring what mobility and strength her body had to offer that day; I am happy to share that while she has made a full recovery, the progress was slow, tedious at times, and never a linear experience. We had to show up everyday with a curious mind, unattached to the outcome; we had to bring patience and compassion along as well, because without these different elements, showing up consistently would have been an even greater challenge.
Regardless of how you choose to use this practice, I invite you to show up on your mat (always) with a curious and compassionate mind. When we can appreciate the journey/progress without attachment to a timeline or outcome, we can show up more consistently and truly experience the incredibleness of our own strengths and capabilities.
I hope this practice leaves you feeling more connected to and free in your body. What was your experience with the breathwork? What exercise challenged or surprised you the most? Let me know in the comments below!
New Video! Gentle Yoga For Alignment: Low Back Focus
Join me on the mat for a feel-good pranayama (breathwork) and gentle asana (yogic postures) practice! With foundational tools on offer, this practice is designed to strengthen the complete core and release tension in the low back – suited for all levels!
Gentle Yoga For Alignment
Several months ago, my sister partially herniated a disc in her lumbar (low) spine. While she experienced tremendous discomfort and pain for awhile, she has been graciously allowing me to work with her (and share her experience with all of you) to help rebuild her core strength. Working with my sister and her injury, I have learned that not only building a strong core is important, but retraining the mind and body to move from the strength and support of the core is necessary for prevention of a variety of injuries and overall longevity of a healthy spine.
This experience is what inspired this practice: how can I take my Yogic tools and adapt them to fit a practice that will empower individuals with varying backgrounds/experiences? I wanted the core work on offer to be accessible to all levels, and I wanted to share foundational tools that can be modified to enhance the challenge as we grow stronger. So here is what we will explore: this practice begins with a warm-up of breathwork (Kapalabhati or Breath of Fire) that will engage and warm up the abdominal muscles. From the breathwork, we will navigate a series of movements that will slowly build on one another, so that you can work from the level that most appropriately challenges you. My intention for offering these foundational movements is to help you strengthen the mind-muscle connection, discover proper alignment while building control, and provide you with a baseline of strength and mobility that you can watch progress over time and with practice! 🙂
When my sister first felt ready to give very gentle movement a try, we started her on her back and played with simple movements. On day 1 we discovered that the only movement accessible to her was to lift her foot about an inch off of the mat, with her leg partially extended (knee slightly bent). We came to the mat every day for several months, just exploring what mobility and strength her body had to offer that day; I am happy to share that while she has made a full recovery, the progress was slow, tedious at times, and never a linear experience. We had to show up everyday with a curious mind, unattached to the outcome; we had to bring patience and compassion along as well, because without these different elements, showing up consistently would have been an even greater challenge.
Regardless of how you choose to use this practice, I invite you to show up on your mat (always) with a curious and compassionate mind. When we can appreciate the journey/progress without attachment to a timeline or outcome, we can show up more consistently and truly experience the incredibleness of our own strengths and capabilities.
I hope this practice leaves you feeling more connected to and free in your body. What was your experience with the breathwork? What exercise challenged or surprised you the most? Let me know in the comments below!
With love & light,